Like, what’s going to be the central narrative or theme? What’s the end goal? How will that theme be executed in the long run? What’s in it for me? See, I can think of Y!!!OI as some sort of anime about inspiration, talent, hard work, etc., etc., but, at the same, it can go the route of an anime who’s primary mission is to… well, look cool and please the ladies. I guess I’m explaining it in a way that one must have knowledge of what I’m looking for for an anime.

However, I’m kinda getting some sort of anxiety towards what to expect in the coming weeks. Rather, it’s like I’ve seen an episode or more of this show already considering the fast and frenetic pace Y!!!OI is exhibiting. Of course, we’re only in the second episode and it makes sense for things to feel new. Every sequence or event has new stuff to show from its characters: Viktor’s heart shaped smile, Yurio’s ‘not so odd’ fashion sense, the triplet’s megalomaniac attitude, wacky character expressions, even posting the pictures the characters took real-time in an official IG account! Y!!!OI has been brimming with creativity, and it doesn’t seem like it’s running out of new things to throw at us. Now, I’m not saying that Y!!!OI is giving its viewers a ride with sharp turns and curves, it’s just that the finer details I wasn’t expecting to be there were such a joy to watch that I ain’t even minding how corny or “gay” it looks like. Nary a dull moment was there with Yuri!!! On Ice‘s second episode. Continuing from its bombastic premier, Y!!!OI is fast, confident, and enthusiastic. In a way, this episode’s rowdy presentation took hint from Viktor’s rule of the thumb: surprise the audience. Not that I hate it.Īnyways, now that I’m done with the announcement, let’s get on with the relevant stuff. I doubt that I’ll change the blogging format though, given that weekly write-ups has become some sort of a habit I can’t free myself from. Otherwise, I’ll let you know when any necessary changes happen. I’ve yet to find a good way to manage my new schedule, but I feel like I can still keep up the episodic posts every week.

I’m saying this as early as now, I do apologize if it may take 2-3 days before I can get a post done. Plus I’m not fond of spoiling what happened within an episode which is why I need to constantly milk my brain dry with ideas explaining why I felt this, or that, or whatever from what I watched. I’m not discrediting other means of blogging, as I simply had to adhere to a tighter schedule with episodics. Honestly, episodic is probably… one of the most difficult way to blog about anime in comparison to series reviews or weekly impressions due to the fact that the former requires more commitment on my part. I’m deliberating whether or not to continue the episodic format for my posts. First of all, just a heads up to you, folks, recently I’ve been busy with my work and will continue to be so until who knows when.